The Greatest And… Everyone Else

The great cellist Jacqueline Du Pre was a prodigy from an early age. At age six, she was running, cello over her head, down the performance hall where she was one of the performers that day. She was smiling and laughing and running. A janitor, figuring she must have just Read more…

Missing Our Mark

In this job, we expect to lose. It’s hard work, especially in the beginning, facing a mountain of no’s, struggling daily to get in that rhythm of perpetual yeses. Loss is unfortunately woven into the fabric of a sales job, so we not only expect to lose, but we learn Read more…

Splitting Business

We often have agents who work as a team to work on accounts. Perhaps one of them has an “in” with a particular prospect, but needs a more experienced agent to help the prospect make a decision. Maybe one agent is a terrific prospector and can open conversations, but needs help Read more…

Rachel Burnett Technical Training

Rachel Burnett, my business partner in San Angelo, led the Dynasty conference call this morning. Here are my notes from her call: It all boils down to good old-fashioned activity. I’ve discovered there are so many talented people in our company and I learn from all of them. I’ve come Read more…