Slack Glossary

Many of you are asking the meaning of all of the abbreviations we use:
- AP = Annual Premium
- APPS = Applications
- DK = Door Knock
- BAMFAM = Booked A Meeting From A Meeting
- MOO = Mutual Of Omaha (carrier)
- AMAM = American Amicable (carrier)
- JH = John Hancock (carrier)
- TRANS = Transamerica (carrier)
- RN = Royal Neighbors (carrier)
- HMS 125 or HMS CBO (products with Americo)
= Eagle Premier FEX (final expense product with Americo)
- IULE = Index Universal Life Express (product with MOO)
- GULE = Guaranteed Universal Life Express (product with MOO)
- LP = Living Promise (product with MOO)
- GA = Guaranteed Advantage (accidental death product with MOO)
- FE / FEX = Final Expense (Life Insurance type)
- CBO = Cash Back Option (Product benefit)
- ROP = Return of Premium (Product benefit)
- TLE = Term Life Express (Product with MOO)
- IIL / INSTANT = Instant Internet Life Lead
- EOW = End of week
- IP = Issue-Paid