How to Be A Wealthy Franchisee

Some franchisees are slaves to their businesses. Others make great money and still have time to enjoy their lives. What’s the difference? Mindset and execution.
DAVID ANSWERS MY CALL on his Bluetooth-enabled helmet from atop an Aspen ski slope. I catch him just before he pushes off to descend this powdery, black-diamond heaven. He doesn’t need to take calls on vacation—he just likes being available. I assure him we can talk later. Certainly, we can wait until he’s reached the bottom.
David is one of the top franchisees in a brand of early childhood development centers. He has money, but equally important, he has time. He doesn’t always have to be at work, and his wife never has to be there. She practices law. Together, they bring in plenty of money to raise their family in a great neighborhood, travel, and ski. David runs his business. It doesn’t run him. David is a good example of the many wealthy franchisees I’ve met over the years. When researching the companies that bring me in to speak, I always ask to interview their superstars. And by that, I don’t mean the franchisor’s favorites. I’m talking about the ones with the highest profits and the best lifestyles. They are the wealthy franchisees.
Being a wealthy franchisee is a question of personality. Anyone can take on this personality. Anyone can embrace these high-performance habits and get the same results. Wealth is nothing but a byproduct of choices. You don’t need talent, education, or brilliance.
You don’t even need an idea—you’ve already paid your franchisor for one. Now you just need to execute.
That concept is simple to understand, but often hard in practice. Most people don’t execute as well as they should. They don’t appreciate their role as a franchisee. They think they’ve bought a recipe for success. In a way, they have. Their franchisor tells them what ingredients to get and what to do with them. But the franchisor can’t control how well they measure, slice, stir, or bake.
Your franchisor can’t control how warmly you greet customers. They can’t force you to inspire your employees. They can’t shift your focus from the minutia to the big picture. So many elements of the business are on you. You are the biggest variable, and your impact on your operation can’t be overstated.
But that’s great news. It means you’re betting on yourself. You’re in control. When you work for someone else, you’re betting on them.
There’s a perception of stability when you have a job. Don’t believe it. In that situation, you can do everything right and still get burned.
Most businesses in your industry are underperforming. That works to your advantage. You’re competing against mediocrity. Lead with excellence, and you win. Excellence comes naturally for some franchisees. Others need to be more conscientious. But everyone has the potential to build franchise wealth.
A day in the life of a wealthy franchisee
Imagine you’re having a good day as the owner of a successful retail franchise operation. You start early. Coffee tastes best before the sun comes up. While the rest of the world sleeps, you read a business book and make some notes. Then you close your eyes and take a few final moments to envision your day, until you hear footsteps: Time to parent. After getting the kids out the door for school, you open an app on your smartphone that shows what’s happening in your store. The lights are already on, and your employees are scurrying around, prepping for the day. You’ll check in there later. First, you’ll go to the gym.
After exercising and getting cleaned up, you stop at a discount warehouse to pick up some supplies and throw them in the back of your Lexus. (You really do use it for business.) When you get to your store, you decide to leave the supplies in the car for the moment. Today you want to enter through the front door, as a customer would.
The place feels pleasant and clean. You notice a balled-up gum wrapper on the floor and grab it. You straighten a few display items. A team member is helping customers. He gives you a warm nod as you head back.
Your manager greets you as you make your way to the office. She’s busy but in good spirits. She mentions over her shoulder that she’d like to go over a few things when you have a moment.
You enter the office and sit at the desk. Next to the keyboard is a note from an employee asking for a day off to take her mom to a medical appointment. You leave that for your manager to handle. There’s also an envelope with your name on the outside. It’s a note from last night’s shift leader. She apologizes that she can’t explain why the register closed out with an extra $20, which she’s clipped to the note (unaware you asked your manager to slip the extra money in the till yesterday to see what she’d do). You’re proud of her and look forward to announcing her promotion to assistant manager. Your manager was right about her. She’s a keeper.
You run some reports. This week’s sales are slightly down, but month-to-date you’re up 14%. You run a “how heard” report to see if your recent marketing initiatives are bringing in customers. There’s also lots of email to deal with, mostly invoices and shipping notices from vendors. Your corporate office has sent their weekly update. You read about upcoming franchises they’re opening and a new promotion rolling out next month. There’s a notice from Yelp; someone left you a five-star review and mentioned one of your employees by name. You remind yourself to get her a gift card.
You pay a few bills and then do your walk-around. There are always adjustments to be made and work to be corrected, but you also acknowledge everything your team is doing right. You hand your car keys to one of your employees and ask him to unload the supplies. Then you make your way to the front to greet a few customers.
Later you sit down with your manager. There are a few repairs she needs you to approve. She updates you on employee performance. She herself would like to take a few days off to attend a friend’s wedding. You discuss how sales have been this week and brainstorm ideas to raise ticket averages. Finally, you tell her how grateful you are for her hard work. She thanks you and rushes out to help with a flurry of customers who just walked in. Realizing you’re probably in the way at this point, you remove yesterday’s cash from the safe and exit through the back door.
You make a quick drop at the bank and then head to a weekly meeting with your networking group. You’re eager to speak with one of your colleagues who’s had a lot of success with new digital marketing initiatives. She actually seeks you out first to see if you’d like to donate a prize and say a few words at a charity auction she’s chairing. Four hundred people will be there. Yeah, you’ll help her out.
You now have just enough time to get to your daughter’s volleyball game. On the way, you call your manager to tell her about the auction. She suggests donating three items and requiring the winners to come into the store to claim them. You like her thinking.
You’re greeted in the gymnasium by the school athletic director, who knows you well. So do all the parents. Every game, they see your sponsorship banner hanging on the wall beneath the scoreboard. Many come to chat with you after the game. Your daughter grows impatient. “C’mon—I have homework!”
You smile at the other parents. “Her majesty beckons!”
No one feels like cooking tonight, so the family stops for Italian. You all debate about whether you should hit another national park this summer or go back to Maui. Better enjoy these kids while you can. For a moment, your mind drifts back to those stressful corporate days reporting to that miserable vice president. The money was good, but it was costing you your soul. Did you really spend 15 years there?
On the drive home, you pass a busy strip mall and notice a “For Lease” sign on an end cap. The location would be perfect for another store.
The life of a wealthy franchisee isn’t without stress. You’re going to have some rough days. Sales will slump. Stuff will break. Employees will quit. Things happen.
Still, it’s a pretty good gig. And it’s probably a lot better than your jobs in the past. You get to do things on your own terms. You’re the boss. You no longer have to worry about how you’re treated. As a wealthy franchisee, you live your life by your own design.
Wealthy franchisees get to do what they want, as much or as little as they want. And they make plenty of money. That doesn’t mean trillions of dollars, but relative to what they’ve invested, they’re getting a great return. Wealthy franchisees live well.
The three elements of being wealthy
“Wealthy” is a subjective and relative term. Many people say having $1 million in the bank makes them wealthy, but some only need $100,000 and some need $100 million. In some parts of the world, you’re considered well-off if you have your own cow. It all depends on your desires, your expectations, and where you live.
But even if you meet your financial expectations, you must also consider the cost of building your wealth. The most basic report in business accounting is the profit and loss statement (P&L). The top portion of the P&L lists all revenues. The total amount of revenues is meaningless until you subtract the bottom portion of the P&L, your expenses. The expenses tell us how much it cost to achieve the revenues. The difference between the two is your profit or loss.
But that bottom portion, the expenses, only tells us about the financial costs of the revenues. It doesn’t tell us about the time that was invested. It doesn’t tell us how much stress was endured. It doesn’t tell us about the strain the business put on your health and your relationships.
If you’re working seven days a week and sacrificing all quality of life to stockpile cash, I don’t care how much money you have. You’re not a wealthy franchisee. You can always make more money, but you’ll never get more time. I don’t want an ulcer or a divorce. I don’t want to miss the opening of the newest Marvel movie. And if getting rich means missing my kids’ games and recitals, count me out.
On the other hand, basketball shoes and ballet slippers cost money. So do car payments, gym memberships, and dog food. I want to be able to pay my kids’ college tuition, buy more cool stuff, go out to dinner with my wife, and see the world. I want to give a lot more to charity and secure my retirement. Mostly, I don’t want to worry about money.
When you buy a franchise, you’re getting more than a business. You’re acquiring a lifestyle. You’ll have more responsibility, more liability, and more surprises than any job you’ve ever had. And unlike a job, you can’t just quit. You’re on the hook.
With a commitment like that, you’d better like what you’ll be doing. You’d better be excited about how you’re going to spend your time, because you’re about to spend a lot of it.
But that’s the reward! You actually get to spend time doing something you enjoy. You get to make money working for yourself. If you like what you do, then the time you spend on it won’t be a sacrifice. And if you’re smart, you’ll have plenty of time to do everything else you want.
For our purposes here, the term “wealthy” refers not to a dollar amount but to a lifestyle. Wealthy franchisees are those people who build businesses that 1) make money, 2) free up time, and 3) maximize quality of life.
Making money
Without a doubt, there is a financial aspect to being wealthy. I’m not saying that being rich is more important than being loved. I’m not suggesting that making money is more important than making a difference. You shape your own values.
But making money does allow you to have more choices. And if you balance this component with the other two (time and quality of life), you’ll have enjoyable wealth.
How much is “a lot of” money? That’s subjective. I can’t name a number to define financial wealth for you.
Some might say they just want enough money to be happy. So how much is that? There’s actually an answer to that question: $75,000.
Princeton University’s renowned psychologist Angus Deaton and Nobel laureate psychologist Daniel Kahneman analyzed more than 450,000 responses to the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index. They discovered that $75,000 annual household income is the threshold for increases in emotional well-being, even among those who live in more expensive cities. The comforts afforded to those earning above that amount yielded little or no increases in happiness. Those who achieved higher degrees of emotional well-being got it from other sources.
Maybe you don’t believe it. That’s OK. Try it for yourself.
There’s a good chance you can make more than $75,000 from your franchise, although you may have to adjust the number for inflation. (The Princeton report was published in 2010. In 2022, the number is probably closer to $102,000.) Do the work, and then you’ll know.
Prior to selling someone a franchise, franchisors are required to disclose everything about their company in their franchise disclosure document (FDD). Item 19 of the standard FDD provides details on the financial performance of a franchise. It may provide earnings ranges, historical performance, costs, and other relevant information to give prospects an idea of their potential ROI. But item 19 is optional. Many franchisors are reluctant to share this data. This may be because the numbers are low (sometimes skewed down by the worst-performing franchisees).
For most franchises trading in U.S. greenbacks, top operators are pulling in around six figures of profit per unit on the high end. Many franchisees make millions of dollars by running multiple locations. Some of them are large corporate entities running hundreds of units, sometimes from multiple brands.
It’s up to you to set your own financial goals. To keep it realistic, you may wish to aim for a percentile within your system, such as being in the top 10% of all franchisees in sales. You may also wish to include an annual rate of growth. Look to your franchise system and your industry to determine the average growth rate. Most important, set goals for profit. What matters most is what you take home.
Of course, in evaluating your revenue, you also need to consider how long it takes you to generate it.
Control of your time
I once asked an audience of franchisees to raise their hands if they’d be happy making $1 million from their business. Most raised their hands. “Let me finish my question,” I cautioned. “How many of you would be happy making $1 million from your business over the course of 25 years?” Most hands went down. They were working way too hard to make only $40,000 a year for the next 25 years. I asked another question: “How many of you would be happy making $1 million in a year if it would cost you your family, your friends, and reduce your life span?” A few hands went up, but not many.
There’s an important relationship between time and money. Making $70,000 by working part time may be a smarter model than making $100,000 working full time. This is especially true when the time you save is invested in a second business, whether it’s an additional location or another business altogether.
Some franchise systems require franchisees to be full-time operators. I understand this policy. They don’t want passive investors who aren’t committed to building the business.
At the same time, the entire concept of franchising is to create replicable systems that aren’t dependent on any one person. It’s all about scaling. As they say in the industry, if you only buy one location and run it yourself, you haven’t bought a business. You’ve bought yourself a job.
The best franchisees make themselves as unnecessary as possible for day-to-day operations. That’s not neglect; it’s the ultimate form of leadership. Great leaders breed more leaders. They create an infrastructure that frees them to focus on more important things. They invest a lot of time upfront so they have more free time later. Smart financial investments yield more money. Smart time investments give you more time.
I opened my first Edible Arrangements franchise with the intention of not needing to constantly be in my store. I could have saved on labor and maybe increased my revenues by running the franchise myself every day. But my objective was to run it part time while maintaining a slightly reduced speaking schedule. The net result was a significant increase in my annual income from multiple revenue streams, one of which was a tangible asset that would increase in value.
To accomplish this, I had to work smart, create systems, develop my team members, use technology, and focus on what mattered most.
My work had to make money and save time.
It worked well for us. Even though I wasn’t always there, we still became one of the highest-volume locations in the state. We earned stellar reviews for customer service and became a training store for other franchisees. We opened a second location and built that up as well. A smart time investment doesn’t necessarily mean full time. It means full commitment.
There is nothing more valuable than time. We can always make more money, but time is something we’ll only have less of. It’s precious. It’s like a bank account from which we only make withdrawals. None of us knows our remaining balance. All we can do with time is choose how we spend it.
Like financial wealth, I can’t determine how you should spend your time. Only you know what makes you happy.
The important thing is that wealthy franchisees have options. They’re in control of their time. They can work 80 hours a week on their business if they want, but they don’t have to. They’re happy with the money they make given the time they invest.
Quality of life
Finally, we need to look at what your life is like with this business in it. Are you having fun, or are you stressed out? Do you feel proud of what you do? Does the business contribute to your life or take away from it? These are important questions to ask. And over time, the answers might change.
Wealthy franchisees live well and their business helps them do it. They may really enjoy the work itself, or perhaps they love the things the business allows them to do.
Honestly, I wasn’t passionate about fruit, but I really liked being in the special-occasion business. People just lit up whenever they saw our fruit arrangements. At parties, they would gather around a basket and moan with pleasure as they bit into a juicy chunk of pineapple. I felt deep pride on a busy day watching all the activity in my stores. Employees were buying clothing for their kids with money they made by working in my business. Customers would hide engagement rings in boxes of our chocolate-covered strawberries. And the more experience I gained by owning and working in this franchise, the more material I had for my speaking business. The professions complemented each other.
I had bad days and plenty of problems as a franchisee. If you had caught me on the right day in the wrong mood, I would have handed you the keys for free. (I’d say the same thing about my kids.) Invariably, though, those moments passed. Most days were good. Generally speaking, having the business made my life better. (Also true of my kids.)
I reject the notion that work is something to be endured. Sure, we must all pay our dues. But there’s a difference between hard work and suffering. When my son’s basketball coach asks him to run five more “suicides,” he’s working, but he’s not suffering. Running suicides is a pain he appreciates because it’s part of the training process, and he feels great when he’s done. But a receptionist who is verbally abused by her boss, feels her work is meaningless, and goes home each night in tears—she’s suffering.
Remember, you’re not just investing in a business. You’re buying a lifestyle. Owning a franchise should make your life better. Wealthy franchisees are happy people living full, rich lives, and their business makes it possible.
To be wealthy is to balance money, time, and quality of life in a way that works for you. If you can remember this, you’ll sustain your success a lot longer.
I’ve asked a lot of franchisors to tell me about their “top franchisees,” and it’s always interesting to hear their criteria for “top.” Some mention the franchisee with the highest-volume unit. Others choose the operator with the most locations.
Multi-unit operators have sophisticated operations and generate a lot of revenue for the franchisor. That gets them a lot of attention, but it doesn’t necessarily qualify them as wealthy franchisees.
I met one multi-unit franchisee who had one of the biggest enterprises in the company. His combined stores generated $6 million in sales annually. His franchisor loved him for that, touting him as an exemplary franchisee. But he confided to me that the profit of all his locations put together was less than what many good single-unit operators generate. He had much more responsibility and little to show for it. Some years, he actually lost money.
I recommend multi-unit operation. It’s the best way to make big money. But it starts by performing well at the unit level, and that requires high-level thinking.
Three levels of franchisees
In his book Above the Line (Penguin, 2017), Ohio State’s former championship-winning football coach Urban Meyer discusses his “10-80-10” principle. Ten percent of football players are elite—skilled, self-disciplined, and committed. Eighty percent are compliant: They’re reliable, but they’re not as driven to succeed as the elite players. The final 10% are resistant—they’re just coasting, not interested in trying to succeed as long as they can skate by with little effort. Meyer and his coaching staff worked with the elite players, but most of their time was spent trying to elevate the compliant players into elite players. That was the team’s biggest opportunity for improvement. He estimates that by the end of their 2014 championship season, 30% of their team qualified as elite.
Most franchisees also fall into three categories, which I call “wealthy,” “typical,” and “struggling.” The franchisees I highlight in this book are all among the top sales performers within their systems. They also meet the criteria for “wealthy” I described above. Struggling franchisees rank lowest within their systems. Many in this group have succumbed to anger. They’re also resistant. They’ve given up but haven’t yet gotten out. They’re just biding their time.
But the majority of franchisees are “typical.” They’re the 80%. They’re paying the bills and maybe even making a decent living, but they often feel stuck somewhere between hopeful and discouraged. They really want to grow. They want to get wealthy. They want to be among the elite. They just can’t seem to figure out how.
It’s always fascinating to ask franchisees which of these three groups they think they’re in. Most feel they’re typical—including the wealthy franchisees. I sometimes facilitate workshops for top performers. When I describe the three groups, most of them identify with the typical franchisees, despite their high rankings. It turns out that humility and ambition are also part of the wealthy franchisee profile.
I talk with franchisees at all three levels before every presentation. I want to know their perspectives so I can speak directly to their experience. Not only have I learned what wealthy franchisees have in common, but I also see what typical and struggling franchisees have in common. Getting to know them has helped me further distinguish their high-performing counterparts.
Wealthy franchisees aren’t extraordinary people. In fact, they’re really no smarter or more talented than their lower-performing colleagues. They just manage their thoughts as well as they manage their business, making them operationally superior. Their mind flow leads to cash flow. Fortunately, their mental habits can be replicated, and so can their success.
Wealthy franchisee myths
It’s hard to reproduce someone else’s success if we don’t know how they achieved it. There are a lot of misconceptions out there, and a lot of guessing.
I meet a lot of franchisees. I ask the best ones why they’re successful. I see who they are and what they do. Then I talk to the struggling franchisees and ask them what they believe their high-performing counterparts have going for them. Often there’s a huge disconnect.
I also talk with the franchisors. They have a wider perspective, as they see the results over a wide field of franchisees running the same operations. They also tell me about the misperceptions many franchisees have about their top performers. Let’s explore the most common ones.
Myth 1
They have winning locations.
A fellow franchisee once told me how lucky I was to have my store location. I was a little insulted. He knew nothing about our operation or our customer service. He only knew our address, which was close to Beverly Hills. In his mind, rich people were lining up with stacks of Benjamins to buy enormous fruit baskets. But that wasn’t our customer base. Our prestigious territory came with little parking, constant traffic (making deliveries tough), and high rent. I wouldn’t sign that lease today. Our high sales weren’t because of where we were. They were because of what we did.
Location matters in franchising, especially for restaurants and retail. Demographics, population density, foot traffic—they make a difference. You’ve got to fish where the fish are. Your franchisor can help with this. They know their customer profile and should be able to analyze your territory—at least on paper—and assist with site selection. Sometimes a great location can compensate for lackluster operations. It can also make some franchisees feel a little more confident about their business acumen than they should.
But a great location may be hard to identify. It may be too expensive or not available. That’s OK. Ultimately, the franchisee makes or breaks the business. Franchisors all have stories of amazing operators tearing it up in locations where others failed. Their loyal customers travel longer distances to repeat a great experience. Their dedicated, well-treated employees work harder to create those experiences.
Just ask Burke Jones, who twice bought struggling locations of The UPS Store. One was in an average neighborhood without any demographic advantages. The other was four doors away from a FedEx Office store. But with his stellar customer service, he built each location (on separate occasions) into the number-one unit in the entire network of almost 5,000 stores.
Wealthy franchisees look for great locations but don’t rely on them. For them, “good enough” is all it takes.
Give the top franchisees in your system more credit. Their excellent operations make locations look better and may be easier to replicate than their ZIP codes.
Myth 2
They’re workaholics.
Wealthy franchisees work hard and put in the hours. So do many typical and struggling franchisees, of course. Hard work isn’t the secret to success. It’s the prerequisite. Lots of franchisees are sacrificing and sweating, but not all of them are getting results.
The high performers I meet aren’t always putting in more hours; they’re putting in better hours. They know the difference between activity and productivity. They work on their business, not just in their business. They develop leaders rather than manage employees and put the necessary infrastructure in place to ensure they don’t have to do it all themselves.
A franchisee who owns 20 locations has no more hours in the day than someone with just one. With the right people, training, and systems, their work yields more results. They’re no busier than other franchisees; they’re just more productive.
Myth 3
They have previous experience.
Yes, business experience can give you a head start. The next time I open a business, I’d like to think my experience with Edible Arrangements will give me an enormous advantage.
But “business” is a broad word. You can develop skills in one endeavor that don’t translate into another. Past success in one career is in no way a guarantee of success running your own business. You have no boss; you must self-motivate like never before.
And business ownership is different from franchise ownership. Independent business owners can do whatever they want. Forging a partnership with a franchisor, hewing to company standards, having others out there representing the brand—it’s miles apart. Some folks struggle with that distinction.
Franchisors complain to me that many new franchisees with a lot of outside experience have a difficult time embracing their systems. They come with knowledge and biases that make it hard to trust the company methods. They have a hard time unlearning old ways of doing things and believe they know better than the franchisor. They try to Outsmart the Model.
Most wealthy franchisees stick to the system. When I try to convey this concept onstage, it can make me sound like a corporate shill, but it’s true. I don’t meet franchisees who’ve gotten wealthy by defying brand practices.
But I do meet a lot of great franchisees who don’t have extensive business experience. They come in fresh and open and curious. They trust the ops manual, bring the right mindset, and execute better than anyone else.
So yes, experience is advantageous—provided it doesn’t conflict with proven systems or close your mind to new ways of doing things. And if you don’t have experience, don’t worry. Running a franchise is the perfect way to acquire it.
Myth 4
They’re educated.
I’m grateful for the higher education I was privileged to get. It made me a better, smarter, more informed person. But it didn’t make me a better franchisee. Books and lectures can tell you a lot about swimming, but they can’t make you a swimmer. If there was ever a discipline that needed to be learned in the field, it’s running a franchise. I watched one of my neighboring Edible Arrangements franchisees drive his business into the ground. He had a master’s in engineering. A less educated franchisee with more relevant skills bought the business and made it profitable.
Many franchising legends never went to college. Peter Cancro was only 17 when he bought Mike’s Subs, eventually turning it into Jersey Mike’s. Wendy’s founder Dave Thomas dropped out of high school and got his GED at age 61.
To be a wealthy franchisee, you don’t have to be a college graduate as much as an ongoing student. What you know is less important than what you’re willing to learn.
Myth 5
They love the business.
I’ve heard different opinions on this. Fuzzy’s Taco Shop CEO Paul Damico told me that, without question, his top performers had a passion for their food and the experience they provide. I heard similar sentiments from Erin Walter, vice president of brand marketing at Freddy’s Frozen Custard & Steakburgers. Their best franchisees also love delighting customers with their brands’ comfort foods and treats. When I asked Tropical Smoothie Cafe’s CEO Charles Watson what his top franchisees have in common, the first thing he said was “passion for the brand.”
But Great Clips vice chair Rhoda Olsen disagreed. “‘Do what you love’ is BS,” she said. “This is work! We don’t believe people need to be passionate about hair. They need to be passionate about the elements that build their business.”
My take is that what franchisees love about their business is less important than that they love something. Whether it’s the product, the process, or the people, some element of their business should jumpstart their heart. I had no great love for fruit or gift baskets, but I did love the way Edible Arrangements made people feel. I really enjoyed talking to customers about their special occasions and helping them find ways to celebrate. Running a franchise is tough. It’s important to balance the challenges you face with something personally meaningful to make the difficult times worthwhile.
The truth about wealthy franchisees
When you speak to enough superstar franchisees, as I have, you start to see what they have in common. If all the wealthy franchisees I’ve met had MBAs, I’d point that out. If they all spent twice as much as their peers on marketing, I’d write a book on franchise marketing. If they all operated in dense urban settings, I’d obsess over commercial real estate. These are factors, but they aren’t the reasons.
What’s important are the internal traits they share, and how those impact external results. They don’t just have winning businesses—they have winning outlooks. Their mindset is an asset to their business, as much as a great location or a superior staff. The way they think makes the difference.
Some franchisees don’t believe this. They think top franchisees have a great attitude because they lucked into a successful business. They don’t understand that a high-performance mindset is not the result of franchise success. It’s the cause.
Mindset drives operational performance. Marketing isn’t just about promotion; it’s about patience. Management isn’t just about directing employees; it’s about engaging them. Customer service isn’t just about financial transactions; it’s about human connections. With a better understanding of how these emotional qualities affect your operations, you will run your business a lot more effectively.
My point? You can do this! You can adjust your thinking and your behavior. You can have a better experience running your business. You can make money, save time, and improve your life. Wealthy franchisees are just ordinary people getting extraordinary results by working and living the concepts I’ve outlined. Nothing is guaranteed. There’s a lot you can’t control. But if others are succeeding in your system, chances are you can, too.
This post was excerpted from The Wealthy Franchisee by Scott Greenberg. Find the book at