FEX Agenda

- Underwriter assigned to you
- Independent / Non-Captive
- Expedia / Amazon
- Who filled out the Request Card?
- My job is real simple
- See what you’re looking for
- See what is most important to you
- But most importantly, see what we can get you approved for
- I’ll Take all those factors and come up with a couple options
- Goal is to accomplish 3 things today
- 1. Affordable
- Coverage is Comfortable
- Get you Approved today
- WE are going to try and get you pre-approved TODAY!
- Does that sound FAIR?
- Is there anything else that would be a deciding factor for you?
- Goal is to accomplish 3 things today
- Questions
- What motivated you to fill out that form?
- What other insurances do you have or have you had?
- How Long have you been looking for this coverage? What motivated you to start looking now?
- What’s prevented you from getting this coverage since you’ve started looking?
- Run Thru this to make sure I understand correctly (REPEAT BACK TO THEM IN YOUR WORDS)
- Quick Pre-screening
- What do you take medications for?
- Any crazy health issues in the past seven years?
- Anything you might not take medications for anymore?
- My Expertise is helping people JUST like you
- 1st thing we are going to do – See if THEY will even approve you
- THEY will spend about $1k to $2k looking you over
- Scripts
- Background
- Banking
- Driving record
- 1 of 3 decisions –
- Yes
- No
- Additional UW
- THEY will spend about $1k to $2k looking you over
- Would you want your BENEFICIARY to get a $50k check or $20k check?
- What budget would we like to stay under?
- Under $500, $400, $300?
- Whatever it takes to fit your Budget!