New Agent Tips

A couple things to remind your new agents:
• Do not request AIG, MoO or Americo in HCMS. Those carriers are already pre-populated in SureLC and requesting them in HCMS creates an extra 15-20 min of work for the admin team. (Think of it like this. You are paying an admin to onboard agents and help with contracting, etc. Multiply the extra 5-20 min spent rejecting duplicate carrier requests by 10+ new agents doing that every day and an admin is paid solely to do unnecessary work. 🤔)
• Consume one hour of FFL content every day for the first 90 days. Including Meetings, Podcasts, YouTube, FB Live, etc
• Focus on getting to 100 client presentations as fast as possible in your first 30 days. That’s the main thing to hold yourself accountable to in the first month.
• Only get contracted with Americo, Prosperity, Aetna, AIG, JH and MoO. Once you’ve issued $20k you can request additional carriers. (Unless you are transferring from another IMO and are very experienced writing with these carriers). This will reduce Analysis Paralysis and empower you to get to work immediately rather than potentially feeling overwhelmed.)
• Complete Bootcamp in 3 Days
• Lead Strategy Call with VP or Upline
• Enroll in Workspots
• First Lead Order (100 leads)
• First Dial Day Monday or Thursday 7:00 AM on (camera on)
• Use Dial Tracker
• First Dial 7:30 AM
• Triple Dial every lead.
• Dial until you set 16 appointments for the next 2 Run Days (8 appointments/day)
• 30+ appointments per week
• Use Financial Inventory Sheet on every sit
• Ask “The Golden Question” What do you have that acts like life insurance?…Stocks, 401k, IRA, Significant Savings, Bonds, etc
• Ask for ten referrals from everyone you present to