Missing Our Mark

Published by Eric Hemati on

A Great FatherIn this job, we expect to lose. It’s hard work, especially in the beginning, facing a mountain of no’s, struggling daily to get in that rhythm of perpetual yeses. Loss is unfortunately woven into the fabric of a sales job, so we not only expect to lose, but we learn how to accept it.

Until finally … we win!

And we realize that winning, true winning is fighting through loss, and striving to have a better outcome, next time.

Recently, we lost a valuable member of our team. A leader. Someone we depended upon, someone who earned our respect the minute he came aboard with us. Someone who, in the short amount of time he was with us, proved his value quickly – as a solid team player, and also as a friend.

A few weeks ago Mark Tambunga, with help from Lambert Landry and Rachel Burnett, wrote what we assumed would be his first of many Eagles. It was his best week to date. He was excited to see what happens when the hard work pays off, and was able through that hard work, experience the winning side of this job.

From the beginning of the recruitment process on through his training and well into selling, Mark was always eager to show us his capability. He came aboard with big ideas and little attitude, which gave this team the spark it needed to push us forward and round out the year with high numbers.

Mark was ready for leadership, having mentorship ability in spades. It helps that the guy had natural talent, but what really proved to us his readiness for the next step, was his willingness to learn and get better and fight through the losses. His potential to do amazing things for Family Heritage brightly beamed from him like a beacon of hope, and that was for us here in San Angelo, a colossal win.

Losing him is hard. Harder than any loss we’ve had to face as a team in FHL.

But with his spirit, the thought of his ever present smile that always graced his face, his heart, mind and soul (that you could just tell was infinitely steeped in compassion), we honor him by moving forward. We honor him by doing what we set out to do; we honor him by keeping our promises. We honor him by not giving up the fight, though we accept and expect to often lose before we finally win.

We honor him, by missing our Mark, and trying again.

(Mark Tambuga’s Eagle – written by Jennifer Schaffer and dedicated to Mark from his entire WorkFORCE Family)

Categories: Lifestyle

Eric Hemati

Entrepreneur, Father, Adventurer

1 Comment

Stephanie E. Rodriguez · February 22, 2017 at 10:56 am

Thank you from the bottom of my heart; I am Mark Tambunga’s mother. Such a tragedy our family has been going though and reading your kind words of my Son has lifted my spirits today. I don’t know why I went online and google searched his name ( I have done it before, loved reading the articles over and over of his sports days in high school) and I found your article. Thank you so much and I will always be ” Missing My Mark”.
I appreciate you.

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