Change Is In The Air!

Published by Eric Hemati on

One of our agents (and a dear friend) sent me this email and it was so incredibly touching and powerful, I wanted to share it with all of you.

Enjoy 🙂

Change is in the air!

Monday was a horrible day: I called 8 REFERRALS and not one said yes to even a meeting!! Every single one either had had a cancer policy for years (they were all elderly) and didn’t want to look. “Been with them for years, not switching!” And one of them even hung up on me!!! It was my clients cousin!!!! (I called her right back LOL)

I also put 130 miles on my car chasing after them…. I said “Something’s gotta change!”


So I thought. Stripped away all I was trying to be and do. Took away my Base (figuratively), took away my scripts, took away everything and just thought. And thought.

I thought about how I’m getting trampled by the minutiae of details in my attempt to “DO THE RIGHT THING”, getting in only 8-11 calls when it feels like I’ve done 35, looking at scripts between calls, driving from point to point on my Base, etc. This is all part of my OCD, and I thought that something had to change immediately.

I recalled how I was so successful at my previous sales job, my bosses called me the “Drop-in Queen“, because while everyone was setting hard & fast appointments, I would just drop in or at least let them THINK I was dropping in. (Actually, I had them in my schedule and would casually breeze in and sign them up – it was my secret weapon!)

I told myself, I have to stop recording every last detail at every stop; the time spent on this is killing me! (If you don’t know, I’ve been at work most days between 9 and 10 and don’t leave till 6 or 7, spending a ridiculous amount of time on stupid stuff.)

So I did four things:

I’ve been working on myself in the area of “I am enough”. One of my mentors told me I have to focus on that, and then my Tony Robbins counselor told me the same thing. My mentor told me about Norman Lear, still producing in his 90’s. They asked him how he kept on and he said, “Two words: Over. Next.” So that’s been my mantra since Tuesday morning.

I made a list of every single place to go the night before. I’ve tried this before and it worked, but never kept up with it. My trainer Rachel does this too, except her list has like 10 on it LOL. I know I’m not there yet, but like I said, CHANGE IS IN THE AIR. I am striving to keep my momentum and ADHERE to certain goals (20 businesses a day) for now.

I started not just hitting my Base leads but EVERY single business that’s not a chain and even some chains (ask if they’re corporate or franchise, and tell them what I do). I went and bought a steno pad to leave on my front seat and mark my calls, attempts, and new businesses I want to call on. At my previous job, I could flesh out every biz in my territory, unlisted ones, no sign, etc. – going to hardware stores, tire places, you name it.

I forgot about all scripts (temporarily) and decided to just BE ME AND WHO I AM, ditzy, funny, casual. That was Tuesday, the day I set 4 appointments!!!!  I decided to “wing it” sort of and just be me. Look them in the eyes, be sincere, listen to them, HEAR them and respond. I told myself “I know this stuff! It’s in there!” Rather than being so focused on “what I’m supposed to say” like I had a gun to my head, I just talked to them. Like a real person. It was one of the most freeing days of my career here! Not only that, but I had people falling all over me! I know it sounds corny, but it was as if I’d drunk some magic attraction potion that made me irresistible LOL. One place, I kid you not, all these young guys were literally at the door waving to me as I left. It was freaking bizarre. I thought, “Is it my shirt? I’ve worn this thing 1,000 times! My hair?” I kept checking the mirror and thought “What the hell is going on today!” Managers who told me they weren’t interested or already had a policy shook my hand with both hands telling me to come back saying, “Maybe we can talk about this!”

To say it was an epiphany day is a massive understatement. And get this: I totally didn’t want to get out of my car. I didn’t feel like talking to ANYONE! Yesterday wasn’t as “magical” but I still talked to 15 businesses. Tuesday was 20.

Anyway, wanted to share.


Categories: Training

Eric Hemati

Entrepreneur, Father, Adventurer

1 Comment

Gadai di Pegadaian · September 15, 2016 at 2:05 am

Saved as a favorite, I like your web site!|

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