Reservicing Family Heritage Customers

Published by Eric Hemati on

From time to time, you may get a list of Family Heritage policyholders in the area you’re working. These policyholders either have an active Family Heritage policy but their agent is no longer with the company, or they used to have a Family Heritage policy but let it go. Either way, they saw value in the product in the past and are great prospects to visit and get referrals from.

Active Policyholders

Hello (NAME).  This is (Your NAME). Don’t rack your brain; we haven’t had a chance to meet yet.  I’m with Family Heritage, your CANCER insurance company.

It looks like you have a…

  • Policy Type
  • Effective Date

Have you ever had to use our policy? That’s Great! Family Heritage provides us with a list of our customers that we hadn’t reached out to in a while, either because their agent has retired, moved on, or has just been too busy.  As we were looking thru your file, it looks like we might owe you some money for some unclaimed claims.

So I’m calling for 2 reasons:

  1. Most importantly is to sit down with you guys and help you fill out any paperwork for your unclaimed claim.
  2. Is to sit down with you guys and give you a quick review of your coverage.  Most people forget  all the amazing benefits that our policies provide!

I will be in your neighborhood on, (give them 2 dates and 2 time blocks to choose from)

  • Do you work a swing shift or can I catch you during the day?
  • Which day would work best for you guys so I could meet with you and your spouse?
  • Or do you get home from work around 3, 4, or 5?
  • Verify Address
  • Get additional phone numbers, both Cell Phone #’s, home #, work #, etc..
  • Get email address(es)

Terminated Policyholders

Hello (NAME).  This is (Your NAME). Don’t rack your brain; we haven’t had a chance to meet yet.  I’m with Family Heritage, your insurance company.

It looks like you used to have a…

  • Policy Type
  • Effective Date

Did you ever have to use our policy?  That’s Great!  Family Heritage provides us with a list of all our current and past customers that we hadn’t reached out to in a while, either because their agent has retired, moved on, or has just been too busy.  As we were looking thru your file, it looks like we might owe you some money for some unclaimed claims.

So I’m calling for 2 reasons:

  1. Most importantly is to sit down with you guys and help you fill out any paperwork for your unclaimed claim.
  2. Is to sit down with you guys and give you a quick review of our new coverage.  Most people forget  all the amazing benefits that our policies provide!

I will be in your neighborhood on, (give them 2 dates and 2 time blocks to choose from)

  • Do you work a swing shift or can I catch you during the day?
  • Which day would work best for you guys so I could meet with you and your spouse?
  • Or do you get home from work around 3, 4, or 5?
  • Verify Address
  • Get additional phone numbers, both Cell Phone #’s, home #, work #, etc..
  • Get email address(es)

The most important thing is to set an appointment – do not try to sell over the phone!

If you cannot set an appointment for any reason, end the call with this sequence:

That’s totally fine – I wish I had called at a better time for you. Let me ask you this – is it OK if we keep in touch with you by putting you on our newsletter?

[Get their email address]

One last question: do they offer a program like this as a benefit to you and the rest of the employees there? They don’t? Well we work with a lot of _________________ [their industry] and I’d love to get some information to your HR department to see if they’d want the rest of the employees to have the same options you did. Who’s the best person for me to send an email to about this?

[Get their company / key person / email address from them]

Categories: Training


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