Onboarding Steps

Here are our onboarding steps – they’re super simple and they’ll give you a lot more control over the process: Verify your new agent has their license. It’ll show up on the state website. In TX, for example you can go right here: https://txapps.texas.gov/NASApp/tdi/TdiARManager Once they have their license, enter them into our contracting site Read more…


Here is some helpful info when working through SuranceBay: Please make sure all of the “My Info” section is completely done before requesting carriers or it may delay appointments. You must have a current AML/Limra. Go to “My Appointment Requests” and request the carriers, fill out requests fully.  It will Read more…

Zoom Instructions

The following will instruct an agent on how to: Create a Zoom account Schedule a meeting for a specific time  Start a meeting on demand Change Zoom video settings in order to allow customers to hear the eApp presentation  Create a Zoom account Sign up using this link: https://zoom.us/signup The Read more…

How did she do it?

At lunch today with the #3 Torchmark personal recruiter at Family Heritage Leadership Academy 201, Jennifer Chandler (an Agency Builder) was asked how she PERSONALLY recruited 35 people in rural Alabama? “Well, since there aren’t many resumes in my county, and most ads don’t get responses, I just go out Read more…

Sunday Mindset

Want a key idea for Sunday to set up a great week? Ever wonder what it truly means to overcome obstacles? Check out this great message from one of our own!

Know Your WHY

This is a powerful 3 minutes. A recurring theme in a lot of what I’m learning right now is your WHY is so much more important than your WHAT. So many people are looking for the perfect career, the perfect partner, the perfect place to live, and on and on. Read more…