Is Cancer Insurance Worth the Cost?

This post was written by Terry Savage and originally featured on the Creators Syndicate Q: Should I buy cancer insurance? A: Buying insurance is a choice that is based on mathematics — and emotion. For instance, we buy homeowners insurance despite relatively long odds against a fire. But the odds of dying are Read more…

Retirement: Ready or Not?

Are you looking forward to retirement or worrying about paying for it? You might be wondering: What if the stock market tanks? What about inflation? What if an illness or injury wipes out my savings? What if I outlive my money? We can help you stop worrying and start making Read more…

Bridging the Gap

Few products can help bridge a gap quite like critical illness insurance. This relatively affordable solution has the potential power to help cover medical costs not covered by traditional health plans, facilitate small business continuity from one generation/partner to another in the event of a covered illness, and generate incremental Read more…

The Worst Salesman in the World

This is a guest post by one of my agents. I’ve removed the names – but you might identify with the story. The worst statement anyone can make about himself or herself in any profession is to admit they are the worst at it. I’m admitting I am the worst salesman in the Read more…

Don’t Screw Up Your Taxes

Being self-employed is one of the most exhilarating adventures you will ever take. Knowing you don’t really have to answer to anyone but yourself is addicting in a way that few but the entrepreneur will ever experience. That being said, being responsible for your own taxes is also a headache Read more…

Legal and Financial Impacts of Cancer

M.D. Anderson, one of the nation’s premier cancer treatment centers, just released this post on their website. I’ve highlighted the relevant portions as it relates to what we do for our clients. It’s amazing to me that even when you have great health insurance, you will probably still come out of Read more…